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End of Life Support

Oconomowoc Animal Hospital offers humane euthanasia for your pets.  We usually start with our technician taking your pet to our treatment room to place an IV catheter.  We can use this to administer all of the medications we use without using needles.   After the IV catheter is placed we typically start with an injectable sedative to relax your pet.  Being at the veterinary hospital can be stressful when an animal is feeling well, and we don’t want your pet’s last moments to be filled with anxiety.  After your pet is sedated the final injection of a barbiturate is administered.  Pet owners may choose to be present at this time, but some owners do not want this to be their last memories of their pet.  It is a very individual decision that pet owners make on their own and whatever you decide is okay.  Afterwards we offer cremation: communal (no ashes returned) or private (ashes returned) or you may also choose to take your pet home for burial.  We also offer a custom clay pawprint of your pet that we make right in the clinic.

Losing a pet can be extremely upsetting, sometimes even more so than you might expect. We have such a close bond with our pets, so letting go is never easy and is often filled with pain, sadness, depression—even anger. Our team understands these feelings, as all of us have also lost pets of our own. The emotions we go through are real and nothing to be ashamed of.

Whether your loss is recent or you’ve been grieving for weeks, we are here to help you through this sad transition. We can also help your children understand and cope with their feelings. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

For more pet loss support and information, please click here: